
作者: 时间:2020-12-04 点击数:

一、 团队简介


二、 团队成员简介


2015年10月—2016年10月,在CSC资助下,作为访问学者在美国Texas A&M University·EE专业学习,主要研究方向为无线网络实时通信调度策略,师从I-hong Hou教授(美国工程院院士,IEEE/ACM fellow P.R.Kumar研究小组成员)


三、 团队近期主持的主要科研项目

Ø [1] 江西省教育厅科技项目:改进的随机网络演算理论及其在大规模传感器网络中应用(GJJ160626)2016年(主持)

Ø [2]江西省高校人文社会科学研究青年项目:基于物联网技术的城市生活垃圾场管理与臭味监测——以南昌市麦园垃圾场为例(JC18224),2018年(主持)

Ø [3]2018年度江西省文化艺术科学规划项目:基于多源信息融合的智慧展馆设计(YG2018042),2018年(主持)

Ø [4]2019年江西省现代农业科研协同创新项目:基于机器视觉与渔业物联网联动的渔业智能投饲系统研究与开发,2019年(参与)

Ø [5]2019年江西理工大学校级教学工程项目:“雨课堂+雷实验” 智慧教育信息化模式探索(XZG-18-03-45),2019年(主持)

Ø [6]2019年度江西省重点研发计划重点项目: 基于机器学习的瓜类蔬菜设施栽培养分吸收规律建模研究与应用,2019年(参与)

Ø [7]指导国家级创新创业项目:田园渔业综合体物联网管理平台开发及应用(201910407039),2019年

四、 团队成员近期已发表的主要论文、论著

Ø [1] Hu S, Li Y, Liu Qiuming, et al. Throughput capacity of wireless networks with social features[C].International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP). 2013:1 - 6. (EI compendex)

Ø [2] Bai G, Yu L, Liu Qiuming. An Achievable Throughput Capacity of Three-Dimensional Inhomogeneous Wireless Networks[C]//Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). IEEE, 2014. (EI compendex)

Ø [3] Liu Qiuming, Yu L, Yang P, et al. Secrecy Throughput in Inhomogeneous Wireless Networks with Nonuniform Traffic[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014, 2014.

Ø [4]Liu Qiuming, Yu L, Liu Z, et al. Impact of Heterogeneity and Secrecy on the Capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks [J]. Sensors, 2015, 15(12):30964-30980.

Ø [5]Liu Qiuming, Luo Y, Ling Y, et al. Throughput Capacity of Selfish Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with General Node Density[J]. Information, 2016, 7(1).(EI compendex)

Ø [6] Zheng, Jun. Yu, Li, Liu, Qiuming. Per-user throughput analysis for secondary users in multi-hop cognitive radio networks[J]. Computer Networks, 106, 122-133. 2016.9

Ø [7]Liu Qiuming, Jiang X, Qiu X, The Effects of Topology on Throughput Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Networks[J]. Information, 2017, 8(1).(EI compendex)

Ø [8]Liu Qiuming, Yu L, Zheng J. Control of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Security Constraints[C], VTC-Fall 2017, Toronto, Canada. (EI compendex)

Ø [9]Liu Qiuming, Jiang X, Zhou Y. Per-Flow End-to-End Delay Bounds in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks[C]. ICCC 2017, Chengdu, China. (EI compendex)

Ø [10]Liu Qiuming, Yu L, Zheng J. A Constructive Capacity Lower Bound of Three-dimensional Underwater Networks[C], International Workshop on Mobile Computing Network. 2017.

Ø [11]Liu, Qiuming, H. Xiao, X. Qiu and L. Yu, "Impact of Social Interaction on the Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 46683-46694, 2018.

Ø [12]Liu, Qiuming, H. Xiao, X. Qiu and L. Yu, " Online Scheduling for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Security Constraints," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 46683-46694, 2019.

Ø [13]Liu, Qiuming, S. Liu, C. Zeng , et al. Secrecy Control of Wireless Networks with Finite Encoding Blocklength[J]. Algorithms, 2019, 12(2):49. (EI compendex)

Ø [14]Changjian Zhu, Hong Zhang, Yan Liu, Hongtao Su, Qiuming Liu. An Occlusion Probability Model for Improving the Rendering Quality of Views[C]. IEEE MMSP 2019.10. (EI compendex)

Ø [15]Xiao, He, Y. Feng, C. Min , Y. Bo and M. AiDong, " A mode dependent chroma intra smoothing algorithm for emerging HEVC standard," 2012 3rd IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content, pp. 448-452, 2012. (EI compendex)

Ø [16]Xiao, He, L. Hang, X. Jun, M. Aidong, " Tracking a time-varying number of targets with radio-frequency tomography," Transactions of Tianjin University, v 21, n 4, p 356-365, 2015. (EI compendex)

Ø [17]Xiao, He, Tu. Qin,M. Aidong, " Improved Just Noticeable Model with Saliency Map," Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, v 40, n 2, p 79-83, 2017. (EI compendex)

Book chapter

Ø [1] Liu, Qiuming, Xiao He. (2019) Security in Delay-Tolerant Networks. In: Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Xiaodong Lin, Kuan Zhang. (eds) Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32903-1_304-1

Ø [2] 邱晓红、吴沧海、刘秋明、杨俊. 计算机专业英语(第2版),ISBN:9787302523994,出版日期:2019.08.01

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