姓 名:薛锦春
籍 贯:江西赣州
职 称:教授
1、 2021年省级研究生教育与改革课题1项
2、 2021年省级“课程思政”课程改革项目1项
1、 江西铜业股份有限公司,横向项目,2017-3607-09-44,硫化铜矿酸性废水底泥生态复垦试验研究,2017-06至2019-10,75万元,结题,主持;
2、 江西铜业股份有限公司,横向项目,城门山铜矿西部扩帮软弱岩土工程稳定性研究,2022-01至2023-12,69万元,结题,主持;
3、 江西铜业股份有限公司,横向项目,城门山铜矿刘家沟尾矿库干堆作业扬尘治理技术研究,2022-12至2024-10,61万元,结题,主持;
4、 江西铜业股份有限公司,横向项目,城门山铜矿二期露天采场西部扩帮工程边坡稳定性研究,2023-07至2024-07,33万元,结题,主持;
5、 江西态然璞真环保科技有限公司,横向项目,铜矿尾矿库酸性水调节技术研究,2022-03至2023-09,15万元,结题,主持;
6、 江西省科技厅,江西省重点研发计划 (一般项目),S2021ZPYFE0413,硫化铜矿尾矿库尾砂植生基质原位生态修复关键技术研究,2021‐01至2022‐12,20万元,在研,主持;
7、 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区基金项目,51664016,循环冲击载荷与化学腐蚀耦合作用下砂岩损伤机理研究,2017-01至2020-12,在研,主持;
8、 江西南方环保机械制造总公司,横向项目,2016-3607-09-92,烧结炉尾气净化处理系统优化设计,2016-10至2017-10,15万元,结题,主持;
9、 江西省教育厅,科技计划项目,GJJ150694,水化工程岩体爆破疲劳损伤弱化效应研究,2016-01至2017-12,结题,主持。
1、 薛锦春,矿山高陡边坡岩体非线性力学分析与安全预警系统研究, 中南大学出版社, 2022
1、 Weiwei W ,Jinchun X ,Liping Z , et al.Extraction of heavy metals from copper tailings by ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with the assistance of degradable chelating agents[J].Scientific Reports,2024,14(1):7663-7663. (SCI二区)
2、 Xiao Z ,Jinchun X ,Huaqin H , et al.Study on improvement of copper sulfide acid soil properties and mechanism of metal ion fixation based on Fe-biochar composite.[J].Scientific reports,2024,14(1):247-247.. (SCI二区)
3、 Wang W ,Xue J ,Zhang L , et al.Influence of conditioner and straw on the herbaceous plant-based phytoremediation copper tailings: a field trial at Liujiagou tailings pond, China.[J].Environmental science and pollution research international,2024,31(17):25059-25075.. (SCI三区)
4、 Zhuyu Z ,Jinchun X ,Jiefang J , et al.Experimental research on the dynamic constringent characteristics and fractal properties of sandstone under impact loading[J].Case Studies in Construction Materials,2023,18. (SCI二区)
5、 Jinchun X ,Weiwei W ,Min H , et al.Study on the Effect of the Copper Tailing Substrate with Different Treatments on the Growth of Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea)[J].Sustainability,2022,14(22):15387-15387.(SCI三区)
6、 Cai ,Ruoyan,Xue , et al.Study on Physicochemical Properties of High-Density Sludge Sediment in Copper Mine After Phytoremediation[J].Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2021,21(4):1-9. (SCI三区)
7、 Weiwei W ,Jinchun X ,Jiajia Y , et al.Effect of composite amendments on physicochemical properties of copper tailings repaired by herbaceous plants.[J].Environmental science and pollution research international,2022,30(8):19790-19802. (SCI三区)
8、 Xiaojuan Wang;Jinchun Xue;Min He;Hui Qi;Shuting Wang.The Effects of Vermicompost and Steel Slag Amendments on the Physicochemical Properties and Bacterial Community Structure of Acidic Soil Containing Copper Sulfide Mines[J].Applied Sciences,2024,Vol.14(3): 1289. (SCI四区)
9、 Weiwei Wang;Jinchun Xue;Liping Zhang & Jiajia You.Influence of conditioner and straw on the herbaceous plant-based phytoremediation copper tailings: a field trial at Liujiagou tailings pond, China[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024, 31(17): 25059-25075. (SCI三区)
10、 Xiao Zhang, Jinchun Xue, Huaqin Han, Yu Wang.Study on improvement of copper sulfide acid soil properties and mechanism of metal ion fixation based on Fe-biochar composite[J].Scientific reports,2024,Vol.14(1): 247. (SCI二区)
11、 Xiaojuan Wang;Jinchun XueCA1;Hui Qi;Shuting Wang;Yu Wang.Remediation of acidic soils in copper sulfide mines through combined plant amendments and their effects on soil bacterial community structure[J].Water, Air, & Soil Pollution,2024,Vol.235(2): 1-15. (SCI四区)
12、 蔡若妍,赵珠宇,谭力,薛锦春,张晓.硫化铜矿酸性环境调节技术研究[J].环境监测管理与技术,2024,36(5): 1-6,12.
1、 薛锦春, 何敏, 张兆阳. 一种硫化铜矿酸性废水底泥修复治理用调理剂及其制备方法, ZL 201611113304.4, 2018
2、 薛锦春, 王伟伟, 赵珠宇, 何敏. 一种岩土工程用样品研磨装置. 实用新型专利, ZL 2022120741491.5.
3、 薛锦春, 王伟伟, 尤佳佳, 何敏. 铜尾砂吸附CO2装置, 国家发明专利, ZL 201210337306.0